Satin Star Happy New Year Bouquet
Satin Star Happy New Year Bouquet
An elegant bouquet comprising 2 foil 'Happy New Year' balloons, with satin finish coupled with 3 chrome latex balloons, tied with coordinating ribbons onto a glitzy weight. This bouquet makes the perfect floor standing party decoration or use as a table centrepiece in a venue with high ceilings.
We treat all our latex balloons with a product that increases float time. Keep your balloons in a warm environment and out of direct sunlight and we guarantee our balloons will float for 3 days. We advise you collect on the day of your event, or the day before if that's not possible, so the balloons will be at their freshest.
Warning: Children under 8 years can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken balloons. Adult supervision required. Made of natural rubber latex which may cause allergies. Inhaling helium can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness and death.